Photo by Pam Dudding
Pam Dudding
Contributing writer
Though Craig County does not have all the amenities for teens like the surrounding counties, one group is reaching out to offer fun, socialization and some good eating to local teens.
Last year, Cornerstone Church in New Castle started a Sunday evening get-together at the Craig County School’s cafeteria. It is still going strong.
In fact, several teens deem it their Sunday evening “place to be.”
The group’s mission is:
“Cornerstone Church desires to see our community youth have a place to belong, believe, and become. A place to BELONG, calling them to something greater than themselves. A place to BELIEVE and discover the truth and grace of Jesus Christ. A place that encourages them to discover their purpose and BECOME all they were created to be.”

The new Sunday evening get-togethers by Cornerstone Church has proved to be fun for teens in Craig County. Upcoming get-togethers for January and February will be listed on social media.
Photo by Pam Dudding
“We intend to foster an atmosphere where teens want to be, friends gather to have fun, and create a safe place to ask questions to grow in the truth and knowledge of who God is and who He says we are. We have seen much success gathering at the school on Sundays last semester,” Pastor David Brown shared. “A special shout out to Brenda Bostic and her hospitality team! They prepared incredible meals every week! We have a committed team of volunteer leaders investing in this ministry each week.”
However, due to the recreation leagues using the facility on Sundays for January and February, they are shifting to something different.
“The new schedule includes opportunities for teens to make friends, serve the community, learn new life skills, and grow spiritually,” Brown added. “One Sunday each month, our focus will be on equipping teens with life skills. Many professionals are willing to give of their time on a Sunday evening to hang out with our teens and teach a life skill.”
Some of these include finance budgeting, basic car mechanics and maintenance, electrical wiring, HVAC basics, cooking from scratch, agricultural tips and opportunities to learn a musical instrument.
Therefore, due to not being able to continue to use the school cafeteria, these upcoming activities will be at Cornerstone Church, located on Route 311, diagonally across the road from the Craig Fairgrounds (next to where they are working on the bridge construction).
“Encourage your youth to join us!” Brown shared. “Times and details will be shared on social media.”
The upcoming schedule will be:
- Jan. 22 – Food, Games, & Life Skills
- Jan. 29 – Community Serve Day
- Feb. 5 – Superbowl Party
- Feb. 12 – Food, Games, & Life Skills
- Feb. 19 – Food, Games, Youth Worship, & Small Groups
- Feb. 26 – Community Serve Day
Follow them on Facebook at CornerstoneChurchNewCastle or Instagram at cornerstonechurch_newcastle for more information or contact David Brown at (540) 765-0262 or davidbrownoffice@gmail.com.