Pam Dudding
Contributing writer
The local Craig Valley VFW Post 4491 said that it is delighted to announce the new beginnings of a Craig VFW Auxiliary.
They are required by the Veterans of Foreign Affairs to have at least 15 members to begin this auxiliary and of those, they need persons to hold offices for the group.
“We are excited about this new venture to add to our VFW community,” they shared. “We look forward to meeting others who have family history, serving our country.”
Dawn Kuhn, of the Department Virginia Auxiliary VFW, is assisting Craig in establishing the new auxiliary.
On Saturday, Jan. 21 at noon, she will be at the Craig VFW Post 4491, located at 295 Hunters Drive, which is the road behind Camp Mitchell.
“I will have applications and we can have a discussion about offices and what an auxiliary can do to help their post, community and our veterans,” she shared.
The VFW shares that, “The VFW Auxiliary is one of the nation’s oldest veterans’ service organizations and our members are relatives of those who have served in overseas combat. We have nearly 470,000 members representing all 50 states who volunteer millions of hours and give millions of dollars to support veteran’s, military service personnel and their families.”
Male and female relatives of those who served in overseas combat may join the Auxiliary.
“Husbands, wives, mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, grandfather, grandmother, grandson, and granddaughter of those eligible to join the veterans of foreign wars are welcome to join,” Kuhn said. “Applicants who join under current VFW Post 4491 members will need their VFW membership number.”
DD-214’s will be necessary for all other applicants to show eligibility.
In order for an individual to be considered for membership, his/her eligible veteran:
∙ Must be a U.S. citizen or U.S. national
∙ Must have honorable service in the U.S. Armed Forces (Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, or Coast Guard)
∙ Must have served in any foreign war, insurrection, or expedition as reflected by one of the following: 1. A VFW-authorized campaign or service medal of the United States.
- Receipt of Hostile Fire or Imminent Danger Pay, as verified by a copy of a Leave and Earning Statement (LES) issued by the U.S. Armed Forces.
- Service in Korea for 30 consecutive/60 non-consecutive days after June 30, 1949.
The eligible veteran and the prospective VFW Auxiliary member must have a family relationship within two generations; step, half and adopted family members meet the “two generations” standard set forth by the IRS.
However, aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews of the eligible veteran do not meet the “two generations” standard and are therefore not permitted to join the VFW Auxiliary.
Proof of the veteran’s service to establish eligibility for membership rests with the applicant.
Information on a veteran’s service record can be obtained by contacting the National Archives and Records Administration by calling 1.866.272.6272 or online at www.archives.gov/veterans/military-service-records/.
“We are the voice of our veterans on Capitol Hill and are instrumental in assisting the VFW pass and block legislation that impacts veterans and their families,” the VFW site shares. “We are one of the top 10 providers of volunteer hours in the VA medical system. Every year, members fundraise millions of dollars for charitable projects that benefit veterans and their families. We also provide hundreds of thousands of dollars in scholarships for over nation’s youth.”
For more information about the meeting or to obtain an application, contact Commander Billy Lee at 540-798-3504 or Dawn Kuhn at 804-909-5792.
If those who are interested obtain the application ahead of time, they may bring it to the meeting with the proof of eligibility, if they wish to get the process started that day.
“We look forward to you joining our great organization,” Kuhn added.