Photo by Pam Dudding
Pam Dudding
Contributing writer
Most kids can get lost in a good book, when they are taught the joys of reading.
McCleary Elementary School Librarian Karen Jones understands the importance of books and hosts a gigantic book fair annually for the students, in addition to the entire community.
“When we look back on our childhood, many of us have fond memories of being read to, of snuggling up and enjoying a favorite story with the people who love us,” Jones shared. “Study after study shows that early reading with children helps them learn to bond with their parents and read early themselves. Those early readers are more likely to find success later in life.”
She added, “Evidence suggests that children who read for enjoyment every day develop a broader vocabulary, increased general knowledge and a better understanding of other cultures.”
Noted author Bali Rai said, “Reading for pleasure is the single biggest factor in success later in life, outside of an education. Study after study has shown that those children who read for pleasure are the ones who are most likely to fulfill their ambitions. If your child reads, they will succeed – it’s that simple.”
Jones emphasized that connecting kids with stories they love, in whatever format they prefer—from fiction to nonfiction, chapter books to graphic novels, physical books to digital books—has been Scholastic’s mission for nearly 100 years.
McCleary will host a Scholastic Book Fair on Oct. 31-Nov. 4. Students will be able to shop at the fair during their library times.
Funds raised from this event will be used to purchase new books for the McCleary library.
The fair will also be open on Wednesday, Nov. 2, from 3:30-6 p.m. so that parents can come and shop with their children and community members can purchase as well.
The book fair offers specially priced books, including popular series like “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” and “Minecraft,” award-winning titles, new releases, adult bestsellers, and other great reads from dozens of publishers.
Jones also has a “classroom wish list” program where book fair customers may help the school build classroom libraries by purchasing books.
“In addition, the Book Fair will feature the All for Books program, where students can share the thrill of reading with others by donating loose change to purchase books from the Book Fair for the school library.” Jones said. “Scholastic Book Fairs then matches those monetary donations with a donation of up to one million dollars in books from The Scholastic Possible Fund.”
Jones shared that the fair is one of the most important events in the school calendar.
“It celebrates and encourages reading, which is vital to every child’s success in school, and in life,” she said. “The fair also gives kids access to good books, which will motivate them to read more. The Book Fair provides an opportunity for the community to get involved in a universal mission: to encourage kids to read every day so they can lead better lives.