~Vendor registration forms are now available~
Submitted by the Craig County Historical Society
Craig County Historical Society is pleased to announce plans for the 39th annual Craig County Fall Festival on October 8, 2022. Held on the second Saturday of October since 1983, the festival is a major fundraiser for the Society as well as a popular community event.
Proceeds this year will go toward the restoration of the Clifton Elmore Store which was purchased by the society last fall. Donations are currently being accepted and will be used for a new roof and repairs to the foundation.
Registration forms have been mailed to over 100 vendors who participated in the 2021 Fall Festival. Forms can also be found in the brochure rack on the porch of the Old Brick Hotel on Court Street, as well as the Craig County Historical Society Events Facebook page. Fee for a 10×10 space will be $50.00. Contact Robyn Foster at 540-977-8395 for more details.
This years festival will feature the 2nd Annual Flat-Foot contest for adults and children. Cash prizes, medals and certificates will be awarded. Other new exciting surprises will be announced in the coming weeks.
The Society appreciates the continued support from Adams Construction, Craig Botetourt REA, AEP and Morgan Stanley.
Self-guided tours will be available of the hotel museum, including the gift store where Hometown Collectibles of local county landmarks and all editions of “In and Around Craig” local history books are on sale. The Genealogy Library and three cabins will be open.
The Marshall Reynolds Memorial Antique Car show will be on Middle Street and this year is sponsored by South Main Auto in Blacksburg. All participants will receive a commemorative plaque and a goodie bag. For information contact Jackie Taylor, 540-520-5555. Car Show forms may also be found in the brochure rack on the Hotel porch.
Save the date and mark your calendar to attend this wonderful hometown event. Plan to wear your vintage clothing in honor of our founding fathers. It will be a great time to catch up with neighbors and friends. We look forward to seeing you there!
Is the event dog friendly?