By Pam Dudding
Who would have thought that so many students could draw or create such beautiful and unique art pieces? It seems that art teachers, Sierra Frazier (middle/high school) and Courtney Lantz (elementary) do, two teachers who continuously encourage the students to be creative in their work.
On Tuesday, May 3, one by one, families drove into to the Craig County Public Schools to view the hundreds of pictures and art projects that the school had on display. As you walked into McCleary a line was formed for students and kids to sign in and drop their name in a box for drawings of several art prizes, like kinetic sand, sand art and rock painting. Also, there were cupcakes that were decorated in a rainbow of colors which were for everyone to enjoy.
Every wall in McCleary was lined with hundreds of beautifully painted or individually drawn pictures. The kids were running to their pictures, excitedly picking out their art and showing their parents. Smiles were a mile wide, and not only on the child but on every parent, grandparent, and friend that they were showing them to.
There were painted pictures, drawn pictures, and even little mice that were dangling down from twine that kindergarten kids made from construction paper. From Kindergarten to fifth grade, the walls were covered on both sides for everyone to enjoy.
Glee filled the halls as people smiled and acknowledged other kids’ art as well. Frazier shared that she was very happy about having the art show back in school again, being previously halted due to COVID. “I have always had an art show for the elementary school and when I moved to the high school, I inquired about having one campus wide, and it was approved,” she said.
In the halls displaying the middle and high school, there was art of all kinds displayed on easels, on the walls to the gallery and in the school gallery for everyone to admire. There were painted pictures, photographs, molded animals, and other forms of art. The students had the gallery completely full. It appears that there are many artists in Craig County schools!
If you would like to contact the art teachers to say thank you, their emails are: and
Frazier and seemed more than happy to bring out the creativity in each child and those children were greatly encouraged by the amount of people who attended and seen their creations.