The Craig County Board of Zoning Appeals will
conduct a public hearing on Thursday February
11th, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. in the Craig County Courthouse – New Castle, VA to consider the variance of
James F. Zimmerman who is seeking an exception
to Section 58-261 (Frontage Regulations) of the
Craig County Zoning Ordinance for A-1 Agricultural. Property reference parcel 72-A-1 and 71-A67. The current road frontage minimum is 200’.
The applicant is requesting a variance in order to
subdivide his 2 lots into 3 lots with one lot having a 200’ road frontage, 2nd lot having 154.74’
and third lot having 167.49’ road frontage in order
to split up his property to be able to sell at a better price and be more affordable. This property
is located at 21258 and 21230 Cumberland Gap
Road (Route 42) on the left side, approximately
4.2 miles from New Castle, VA 24127.
Comments can be submitted in writing to Dan
Collins, County Administrator, County of Craig at
P.O. Box 308, New Castle, VA 24127 or at or by phone at 540-864-
5010 until February 4th, 2021.
Craig County Board of Zoning Appeals