Pam Dudding
Contributing writer
Regardless of the coronavirus, the Craig Recreation Association Field of Dreams Committee is continuing their venture to provide a place for local kids to play as well as a future home for other activities.
Their goals are still set, and their visions have not blurred.
The CCR & CA mission statement reads: “Acquire and develop property in Craig County for a multi-purpose recreation and sports complex and conservation area for children, families, churches and organizations; to organize and manage Craig County youth sports; to promote healthy lifestyles through educational and recreational opportunities; to secure funding sources to provide through sustainability for current and future development; and to enhance the rural county’s services and economy.”
Now, committee members wish to share their Field of Dreams end-of-year brochure with the community and others.

“We wish to thank Kim Cosma for her creation of this beautiful and professional piece,” Director Debbie Snead said. “The brochure is generic in that we can use it for marketing and fundraising anytime and anyway.”
Said CCR&CA President Teresa Oliver, “We’ve printed over 500, so they are now available to give to individuals and businesses as handouts or placed online in emails and social media.”
“Please help us by getting the brochure out to your social contacts and if you’d like printed copies, just let us know and we’ll get them to you,” Snead shared. “If you have businesses or contacts that you’d like us to mail the brochure to, please send the name and mailing address to dsnead@vt.edu and we’ll get them as soon as we receive them.”
She added that they now have their basic infrastructure of drainage, electric and water complete.
“We need to implement a septic system and then we are ready to start construction on the concession stand and restrooms,” Snead said. “This will be expensive, but it will make the complex more usable and sustainable for sports and events.”
Sports Director Sheri Sloss added, “We need your help more than ever. Please help us use this ‘premier’ brochure to fund our premier community project.”
At CCR&CA they:
- Organize and manage Craig County youth league sports
- Develop the “Craig Field of Dreams” multi-purpose sports complex
- Enhance recreation and conservation opportunities for youth and families
- Provide a basic community service recreation program
- Generate economic development for the County and operate as an all-volunteer, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Snead noted that they are proud to say that they have already:
- Purchased 18 acres of Craig County property, surrounded by mountains and bordering Craig Creek
- Developed sports complex ball fields, drainage system, parking lots, electric and water line infrastructure
- Constructed backstop and control fences for three ball diamonds
- Hosted regular league home games as well as tournaments
- Acquired nearly $2 million in funding from fundraising activities, donations and grants for property acquisition, field development and maintenance.
“We have over 80 volunteer coaches that have provided recreation for thousands of children for over a decade,” Sloss proudly shared.
She continued, “Now it is your turn. Together, we can make a difference. Please help us by becoming a Friend of the Field.”
Interested individuals may make a one-time donation or an annual contribution. Make checks payable to: CCR&CA Field of Dreams and mail to P.O. Box 371 New Castle, VA 24127, call (540) 864-5047, or catch them on www.craigcountyrca.com, www.facebook.com/CraigCoRec or www.gofundme.com/CraigFieldofDreams.
Their IRS EIN# 27-3076198 and all donations are tax-deductible.
Their ticket on the new brochure says: “I want to be a ‘FRIEND OF THE FIELD’ by making a gift of: (Amount) My tax-deductible donation will help ensure our children have a place to experience the joy of sports in the future.”
Also, any gifts of $50 or more will be acknowledged by ballfield fence signs.
“Thanks for being a friend and come join us on the Field,” the team shared.