Pam Dudding
Contributing writer
Craig County has always been known for its care and attention to their men and women who have served the United States Armed Forces.
This year, the Tenth Annual Veterans and Active Military HONOR Dinner (AVAMHD) had to be canceled; however, the love and appreciation will never stop.
The team has joined many local businesses in agreeing that “their service never ends within their hearts, and many in their continued actions, so neither should ours to them.”
The AVAMHD team has contacted many who have offered special discounts, free items and maybe even a little surprise to the Veterans and Active Military personnel this year.
Craig County Veterans and active military personnel are encouraged to provide their mailing address to Pam Dudding at 1124 Boulevard, New Castle, VA 24127, email or through Facebook messenger so that a special letter may be sent this year.
These letters will be mailed the week of October 19, so they will have their special card for the month of November which will detail its blessings from businesses.
“We wish to share with all the military personnel how much we care and appreciate them and their service,” the team shared. “This is one way we can still extend our heart of gratitude and thankfulness for their willingness to serve our county and our community. We love you.”