Pam Dudding
Contributing writer
On Thursday’s Craig County Government page, these words rang strong, “Well done Craig County, as of this morning, Thursday, April 16, Craig County is still coronavirus free of confirmed cases.”
Said Emergency Management Coordinator Jim Cady, “Since, two others have been tested and are awaiting results. All other citizens have been cleared.”
As of April 14, Craig County had documented 15 people under investigation for the coronavirus:
- Three tested positive and were isolated and treated. All have been medically cleared and release
- Six were tested, isolated and their tests came back negative. They were later released
- Five were isolated, monitored for 14 days with no signs or symptoms and then released
- One was tested and is awaiting results, but has moved to a residence in another county
Many studies have been made over the last several weeks as to the COVID time of viability on surfaces.
Mike Jones, PharmD, BCPP, EMT-B, Craig County Division Chief of EMS, shared, “The time the virus is viable on surfaces is dependent on many factors, including the surface as well as temperature and humidity. Data reported in the New England Journal of Medicine states the virus was viable on plastic and stainless steel for up to 72 hours, on cardboard for up to 24 hours and on copper for up to four hours under the experimental conditions.”
One study indicated that the COVID-19 virus deteriorated more rapidly on paper than cardboard.
Another study pointed out that it lasted far longer on money than on paper. But American money is a mixture of cotton and linen. Professionals have said, “The more the virus falls apart, the lesser the load and potentially, the greater your ability to fight it off or reduce the severity of the illness.”
People have been warned to be careful in getting their mail and with their packages delivered to their doorsteps.
Studies have shown that since it deteriorates on cardboard in 24 hours and paper sooner, that means that packages should be left outside or in a safe area for a day before touching.
People should allow their mail to sit for two days before opening, or open cautiously, dispose of the outer parts and wash their hands immediately. Some suggest spraying the mail with disinfectant, as only the outside of the mail will become damp.
COVID-19 is being spread on the bottom of people’s shoes.
“Medical workers on the front lines of the coronavirus should be sure to clean their shoes,” stated a new study published in one of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s journals, Emerging Infectious Diseases.
Researchers tested air and surface samples at a hospital in Wuhan, China, where the coronavirus outbreak initiated and found that about half of health-care professionals working in intensive care units carried the coronavirus on the soles of their shoes.
Further, the report showed that there was a 100 percent positive rate from the floor of the pharmacy, where only health-care workers traveled, not infected patients. Therefore, the soles of medical staff shoes might function as carriers and to disinfect the shoes.
To disinfect shoes, people should make a mixture of 70 percent alcohol and water, the CDC advises.
Craig County Emergency Services has a Home Monitoring Card that reads: “You have been seen and evaluated by the Craig County Emergency Services team. By criteria set forth by the CDC and the best available evidence, you are currently categorized as being low-risk for serious life-threatening complications due to your illness.”
- Please isolate yourself at home for the next 14 days
- Do not go to the emergency department without first calling your primary care provider (PCP)
- The emergency department will not test you for the COVID-19 virus, call your PCP
- If you do not have a PCP, call the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) for guidance at 1-800-ASK-VDH3 (1-800-275-8343)
- Keep a log of your symptoms on the back of this page
- Discuss your symptom trend with your PCP
- If your symptoms worsen, and your condition changes, please call your PCP for advice on how to proceed
- Please call 911 if you feel your symptoms are becoming life-threatening, and you will be reevaluated for potential transport to the hospital.
Here are some additional instructions:
- Drink plenty of fluids for hydration
- Adults should take Tylenol or ibuprofen every 6-8 hours around the clock, Tylenol 650 mg every six hours or 1000 mg every eight hours, Motrin 600 mg every six hours (For children, follow the manufacturer’s labels)
- Chart your symptoms daily
- Wash your hands frequently
- Clean all high touch surfaces everyday
- Cough or sneeze into a tissue and throw it in the trash
- Avoid sharing personal household items
If you have a medical emergency and need to call 911:
- Notify the dispatcher of your symptoms: fever, cough, body aches, diarrhea – If possible, put on a facemask before EMS arrives
More detailed information can be found by calling the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) for guidance at 1-800-275-8343.
People have been asked to self-isolate, stay at home and wait for their symptoms to end. People have also been asked to do this by a team that includes a physician. Employers are encouraged to know this.
Darryl Humphreys and Mike Jones, both Infectious Control Officers, continue to ask citizens to keep up the good work and if they know of any cases, to contact Cady or Humphreys with contact information for that person.
Their continued request for all Craig comm-UNITY is to isolate-mask-glove-social distance and don’t get complacent.
“They are working. Please keep up the good work,” Jones and Humphreys shared. “This is still just beginning, but with everyone’s diligence, we can minimize the pandemic threat in Craig County.”