Mountain Castles Soil and Water Conservation District will be accepting bids until 5:00p.m. on Friday, May 1st, 2020, for the mowing and routine maintenance of four flood control dams located in the upper Johns Creek valley in Craig County, Virginia. Work includes mowing (once in Spring and once in the Fall), woody debris removal, liming and seeding of the dam embankment (as needed), groundhog hole repairs, and trash/debris removal from the trash rack on the dam risers. The successful bidder will enter into a contract with a base term of three years (2020, 2021, 2022) and will include a performance-based contract extension clause for two additional years (2023 and 2024). If you’re interested or want more information, please contact Jeff Mutter (Conservation Technician and Dam Owner Representative) at (540) 580-8373 or through email at jeff.mutter@mountain Office hours are 8:00am-4:30pm. ALL BIDDERS MUST SUBMIT CURRENT CERTIFICATION OF LIABILTY AND WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE FOR A BID TO BE CONSIDERED. MCSWCD reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids received. MCSWCD is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer.