Pam Dudding
Contributing writer
As Valentine’s Day approaches, people have already started planning special times together. However, some don’t have that special sweetheart.
New Castle Christian Church will once again host its Annual Hearts Party for the community. Members believe they have been hosting this party “for close to 70 years now.”
“It was started by Thelma Layman’s Sunday School Class for the kids,” several members recollected. Many adults shared that it was a lot of fun to ‘have to’ join in and play when there weren’t enough kids to fill each table, and that tradition has continued.
The Hearts’ of the Party is a game where people pair up and compete against another pair, having four people to one table. There are dice that have the letters on them that spell “hearts” when all are rolled correctly. The more consecutive letters you get spelling “hearts,” the more points you obtain. The partners with the most points once the game time is called, wins that game.
The winners of each game at each table advance to the next table and get a hole punched in their valentine, designating their win. They then switch partners.
At the end of the evening, the person with the most punches wins the prize. Even a booby prize to the person that has the least wins too.
Sue Helems shared that she started going to the Hearts Party when she was a kid. Today, she is 76 and it has become one of her favorite annual events.
The Hearts Party will be held on Wednesday, February 12. Food will be served at 5:30 and the Hearts game will start afterward.