Pam Dudding
Contributing writing
For many in Craig, the word “trout” brings a big smile.

On Saturday, October 19, the local VFW Post #4491 will host its Annual Trout Dinner from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
The dinner will include freshly caught trout by Paul Beaudoin, two sides, dessert and a beverage for only $12.00.
“You can’t beat the price for fresh fish and homemade sides and desserts,” said one couple with a smile. “We come every year and don’t plan to miss it this year either.”
This is an annual fundraiser that the VFW hosts to help pay for their monthly electric bills and building upkeep.
The VFW is grateful that through the last few years of fundraisers, they have been able to add an updated heating unit, install air conditioning units for the first time, paint the walls and some floors, as well as add a wall heater in the front room. They also painted the entire outside of the building.
They shared that they were very appreciative of the people who donated funds as well as supplies and individual’s personal labor too.
“We’re all getting a lot older and the younger generation isn’t joining the Veterans of Foreign War membership like they used to,” various members said. “We want to keep this post going as long as possible, as we will be there for our young men and women when they come back from battle. We understand everything they are going through.”
The local VFW Post #4491 is located on the road behind Camp Mitchell, approximately one quarter of a mile beyond the camp.
Advanced tickets can be bought from VFW members to guarantee a meal. Multiple tickets can be purchased too.
“We hope to sell out this year,” Paul Beaudoin always says. “It’s the best trout you will eat unless you catch it yourself.”