Pam Dudding
Contributing writer
In the military, there is a popular quote that is said often, “Let no one be left behind.” This has become the mission of the team that organizes the Annual Veterans and Active Military HONOR Dinner for all the military residents of Craig County.
“There is no greater honor than to have every military person attend the dinner,” said many event organizers. “It’s a small way of saying ‘thank you’ to the young and old who have served, are serving or to families who lost loved ones in the service.”
The Ninth Annual Military Dinner will be held on Sunday, November 10, at 1 p.m. at the local VFW Post #4491, on 295 Hunters Drive in New Castle, beyond Camp Mitchell.
A full-course dinner will be served, along with delicious homemade desserts. Afterward, there will be a short program honoring the military and the event will conclude with door prize giveaways.
Every military person is invited, along with their family members.
Registration is necessary to ensure there is enough seating and food for everyone.
To register or to learn more information, contact Betty Dudding at either bdudding@tds.net or 540-309-6053 or send an email to Pam Dudding at ncrpamdudding@yahoo.com.
“We know that many do not prefer ‘accolades’ of praise, but at the same time, we know each military person appreciates their comrades they served alongside or live around,” team members noted. “Please allow us to do this little something for you.”
Dudding emphasized, “We don’t like to rush the afternoon, as it is a time everyone can socialize with others who served or are serving from Craig. However, feel free to leave at any time. We understand some have disabilities which limit their time away from home.”
She added that if anyone needs or wants special seating near the door, at the end of the table, near a restroom, or with friends, do not hesitate to ask. “We have done this for many for the last eight years. We want every military person there and will do all we can to make them comfortable,” she said.
To-go meals are also available for those who can no longer get out or are ill. When calling to register, simply state that it will be a ‘to-go’ meal if the person cannot attend. Pick up for to-go meals can only be from 2 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
All who wish to attend or pick up a meal, must register in advance by Friday, November 1.
Dudding added, “This is our ninth year in hosting this special dinner for our local military. There are many who have not even been able to attend, yet still call us with gratitude when their meal is delivered. That, in itself, is one of the reasons why we continue to host it. These men and women have laid down their lives, sacrificed their time and for many others, their health, so that we can live free here in the United States of America.”
Billy Lee, Post Commander of Craig VFW Post #4491, understands because he served in Vietnam. “It is a time we honor the men and women who have put their lives on hold to help protect our country. I think back to the boys in my platoon in Vietnam who gave their lives for this Country. I say boys even though they were the best men I have ever served with because we were 18 and 19-years-old.”
Observed annually on November 11, Veterans Day is an official United States public holiday of celebration that honors military Veterans for their patriotism, love of country and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.
The Military Team asks everyone to pass this information along, so that ‘no one gets left behind’ this year.
They added, “If you know a Veteran, active military person or someone who lost a loved one in the service, please make sure they are able to attend. We thank you for serving our country and our community. It is because of the brave, that we are free.”