Pam Dudding
Contributing writer
Memories, especially ones that happen growing up, tend to last a lifetime. Many of the men who played on the different county summer baseball teams shared multiple stories last year as approximately 39 gathered for their Third Annual Old-Timer’s Baseball Reunion.
“We are trying to keep these reunions going as long as possible,” Chester (Gary Porterfield) said. “We wish we had started having them earlier, but I’m happy we are doing them now.”
On Saturday, September 28, at 1 p.m., the Fourth Annual Old-Timer’s West Virginia/Virginia Independent Baseball Reunion will converge again on the grounds of the Moncove Lake State Park at Shelter #2.
The baseball Leagues were from the 60s, 70s and early 80s. The teams were from: Upper Craigs Creek, New Castle, Paint Bank, Waiteville, Sweet Springs, Gap Mills, Boiling Springs, Gold Bond, Big Stoney Creek and Sinking Creek.
“We would love to see more people from Craig County who played to join us,” noted Johnny Beane, one of the youngest players on the Waiteville team. “There are fewer people every year as they are slowly passing away.”
Chester added that they just ask everyone to bring a dish, a chair and some good conversation or ears to hear some compelling stories. The hope is to have music again this year for all to enjoy.
“It’s a great time with all the old buddies,” Porterfield said. “Don’t miss it. Come on out and tell anyone else you know who played ball with us back then to come also.”
Everyone is encouraged to bring their old pictures of the games. Wives and families are encouraged to join in on the reunion and potluck.
For additional information, Danny Lucus may be reached at 304-772-3434.
“Time is flying by so don’t put off coming,” Beane said before adding, “Soon, there won’t be any of us left, so let’s enjoy this time while we can.”