Pam Dudding
Contributing writer
For many families, it is difficult when parents get older and the doctor appointments and medication prescriptions become an ‘overload.’

However, for families who have to search for assistance when their young child has a serious illness or disease, it can sometimes be exhausting.
On Saturday, July 13, Rick Dudding will be hosting a Wheels4Kids Benefit for Lucas Young, a six-year-old boy who is battling cancer in his eyesight.
The money raised will help the family in their expenses for all his appointments and future needs.
The day will be packed with fun for the entire family!
There will be a car/truck/semi/tractor/motorcycle show with trophies for the top 50 and door prizes.
Among the raffle prizes include a 177 Hatsam Striker pellet rifle with scope sells for $144. With a $150 Konus scope (3x9x40), a Malcolm Smith Racing Helmet Adult XL that normally sells for $169.99 was donated by Star City Power Sports.
There will be a power wheels drive for kids who bring their power wheels. A surprise will await them too! Bouncy houses are scheduled, along with food vendors, live music, a D.J.
Several people have reserved a space and are setting up vendor booths with vehicle swap meet items, sale and yard sale items and vendors such as: kettle corn, Paparazzi Jewelry, crafts, local business items, This ’N That Antiques and Vintage, Nona’s Friendship Bread, bake sale goodies and games.
More people are invited to reserve a space and sell their items or provide games for the kids. Contact Betty Dudding at 309-6053 for more information. A 12 x 12 space is just $10.00. Multiple spaces can be reserved.
Volunteers are needed to help with the bouncy houses, sell raffle tickets, set at yard sale table for Lucas and park cars, among other things. Come and be a part of helping your comm”U”nity. Rick Dudding can be reached at 330-2234 for additional information.
“We hope to see a lot of people to bring their vehicles for the show as well as the community to stop by and enjoy the day,” he said. “It’s all for a little boy who is losing his eyesight. If we can help, let’s do it together.”