Pam Dudding
Contributing writer
When the youth of today express their talents with art, much can be read in each individual piece made or painted. Art is partly defined in the dictionary as, “The expression of human creative skill and imagination, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.”

McCleary Elementary and Craig County Middle School will be hosting their Second Annual Art Show at McCleary Elementary School on Tuesday, May 7, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Said Art Teacher Sierra Frazier, “Our students are super excited to showcase what they have been working on throughout the school year.”
Grades pre-school through seventh will be showcased. Their art will include; drawings, paintings, weavings, wall tapestries and sculptures.
“It is a showcase of all of the student’s artwork they have created throughout the school year,” Frazier added. “I hang everything in the hallway of the elementary school and display sculptures on tables.”
The art teacher before Frazier started the art show at the school. “When I started teaching, I took a break from it my first year because I just had my son. Last year was my first year putting on an art show,” noted Frazier.
Frazier also noted that she chose to do the art show so that parents and the community can see the beautiful achievements the students have made in the classroom. “It just further enforces how important art is to our school and community and how important it is to young minds and their development,” she said.
Frazier saved most of their artwork until the art show so that it will be a surprise to the parents and, to assure that she will have plenty of work to choose from. “I like to make sure everyone’s work is included and hopefully they have more than one piece,” she said.
Also, every child that attends will get to put their names in a drawing for a possible prize which includes kinetic sand, rock painting kits, sand art kits, jewelry making kits and other art projects. The next morning at school, Frazier will draw the student’s names and say their names during the morning announcements.
There will be cupcakes and drinks served as well as prize drawings and temporary tattoos available.
“I feel this is extremely important for our students. Last year they were super excited for the art show and to show their parents what they had been working on,” Frazier said. “Come out and support our art program and the beautiful artwork created by our very own young and creative artists!
For more information contact, Sierra Frazier at