Pam Dudding
Contributing writer
Many things bring people to Craig County. For George Foster, it was his appreciation of country living as well as the people.
On Wednesday, August 1, Foster accepted the position of being the new agent for Farm Bureau in Craig County.
Greg shared that one of the ladies on the Farm Bureau Women’s Committee recommended a while ago that he should apply for the position. “I decided that it was a chance for a new career and the opportunity to be home more for my family,” Foster said. “I also like helping people.”
At his previous job, Greg drove a truck for a construction company. “One of the main reasons was for the location, but I like the idea of helping the farmers, especially our local people. I also like that the Farm Bureau advocates for the farmer.”
Foster added that he likes meeting people also. “People have asked me if I like my new job and I tell them, ‘I love it,’” he said. “I really like it here. My last job I went in early around 5 a.m. Now, I can see my kids off to school before I go to work.”
Foster and his wife, Frances, live in New Castle and have five children; Isaac, Keaton, Maria, Jasmine and Kaylin.
“My wife has family roots here as her dad is a Greenway,” Foster noted. “Her family heritage goes back in Craig before the Civil War.”
Foster is also an active member on the Craig County School Board as the Representative for the New Castle District. He stated, “I’m on the School Board for a reason, as I have five kids in school and this is one way that I can share my ideas and views.”
Also, in addition to being on the school board, Foster is starting a new Cub Scout Troop in Craig and will be the new Cub Master. “Right now we have about 12 kids signed up so far,” he said before adding “that both boys and girls, from the first grade through the fifth can now be in the Cub Scouts. If someone else wants to start up the Boy Scouts, I would be happy to work with them, as we are excited about it.”
Being in the country seems to bring out the “outdoorsman” in many people. “I love hunting, fishing and anything outdoors,” Foster said. “I consider it fun getting out in the woods and cutting wood. I love a chainsaw.”
The Farm Bureau, according to Greg, offers; farm, home, life, auto and commercial insurance. “I can help you by looking at your coverage with us or whomever you have with comparisons and information,” he said.
Robin Garst is also available to help everyone at the front desk. Garst transferred from the Botetourt County Farm Bureau office to the Craig County office in June 2017, where she was the Member Service Specialist for three years. She brings a wealth of knowledge with her.
Garst currently lives in Salem but has many friends and family in Craig. Her Father, B.L. Garst, owns property off of 615 and her mother’s family, Ed and Thelma Hurley, lived on Potts Mountain before they passed several years ago. Her direct email address is
“We are also looking forward to getting more involved in the community through Farm Bureau in possibly sponsoring some future events, maybe some sporting events. We are open to ideas from the community,” noted Foster who can be reached at (540) 864-6428 or by sending an email to
“I just love this community and the people here,” said Foster. “I am here to serve the people, not to just sell them insurance.”