Nearly all of the statues seemed to “take your breath away.” Ash Rothlein gave a special message at the statue. He is a Normandy Veteran who served with the 187th Advanced Army Ordnance Depot Company.Hundreds of Veterans, family members of lost loved ones and others honor the Army Battalion of Chatham High School presented the Colors, and the 29th Division Band played The Star Spangled Banner.On Wednesday, June 6, The National D-Day Memorial in Bedford celebrated the 74th Anniversary of the Allied Landing at Normandy. It began with President Roosevelt’s D-Day Prayer by radio on June 6, 1944. Part of the speech included: “Almighty God, Our sons, pride of our Nation, this day have set upon a mighty endeavor, a struggle to preserve our Republic, our religion and our civilization, and to set free a suffering humanity. Lead them straight and true; give strength to their arms, stoutness to their hearts, steadfastness in their faith.”Many Veterans held wreaths to be laid by their divisions that served, including Post 64 Ladies of the 29th Infantry Division and representatives from The French Embassy, Belgium, UK, Canada, Netherlands and England.Charles “Chuck” Neighbors was in the 29th Airborne Division as he served in Normandy, being one of the first to “hit the beach on D-Day.” He was a flamethrower but said he had to get rid of it fast as it didn’t work. He is now 94 and has since written a book, One Man’s War Story.As a tribute to all of the Gold Star parents and relatives, a black marble Gold Star Families Memorial Monument was dedicated. The outline of a soldier standing at attention and saluting is cut out of the center. On the backside were pictures with the words” Homeland, Family, Patriot and Sacrifice.” A unique wreath was laid in honor of the ones lost.George Patton Water, the grandson of General Patton and a Navy officer, speaking about the legacy of the Patton family. He spoke of the ‘fake news’ that was ‘purposefully leaked’ by General Eisenhower to the Germans. “Exactly 74 years ago, over 150,000 landed on the three beaches of Normandy Operation Overlord. Today we remember the terrible lives that were lost and the ones that were wounded as the odds were not in their favor,” he shared with clear emotions.