The 35th Annual Craig County Fall Festival will be Saturday, October 14. Filling most of Main Street and Court Streets in New Castle, the Festival has become a day of fundraising, entertainment and socializing for area residents, while tourists from across the region come to tour the Old Brick Hotel and cabins.
The Marshall Reynolds Antique Car Show on Middle Street is a big draw for area car enthusiasts. The show can accommodate over 50 cars. This year the local MudBoggers group is expected to have a large presence, and tractors and motorcycles are being encouraged to add to the mix. For more information, contact Jackie Taylor at 540-520-5555.
Vendors and exhibitors are welcome to rent 10-foot spaces on Main and Court Streets for $35. Arrangements must be made by contacting Mary Page Cosby at 540-864-6646 or sending an email to dgivens29@aol.com. Forms have been mailed to all vendors who participated in 2016.
A highlight of the day’s events will be musical performances by Blue Connection, Eastern Divide, David Francisco, Cadillac Ranch and Phat Boyz Band. The New Castle School of Dance is scheduled to begin the day’s entertainment at 9:30 a.m.
Sponsored for the past 35 years by Craig County Historical Society, the festival has always been held on the second Saturday in October. The date of October 14 is the latest in the year the Festival can be; last year’s date of October 8 was the earliest it’s even been.
-Submitted by Diane Givens