The Radford Noon Rotary, Farmers Insurance/Belinda Blodgett agent, PRS Towing and the Radford Visitor’s Center will be sponsoring the sixth annual Radford Lucky (rubber) Duck Race at 6 p.m. Saturday in Bisset Park.
The proceeds will help support the Noon Rotary Community Outreach Programs.
The Lucky Duck Race will be held during the “Saturday in the Park” Super Cruise-In, a day full of family fun with classic cars and trucks, music, food and children’s activities along the banks of the New River in Bisset Park.
The car show will run from 3-7 p.m. and is being sponsored by the New River Valley Classic Cruisers and the Radford Parks and Recreation Department. Admission is free of charge.
The duck tickets are available at the Radford Visitor’s Center, inside Glencoe Museum at 600 Unruh Drive, at Eventbrite.com or on the day of the event from 3-5:30 p.m.
Duck tickets are $5 for one duck, $20 for a ‘quack pack’ of 5 ducks or $100 for a ‘flock’ of thirty ducks.
The ducks will ‘fly’ into the New River at 6 p.m. Attendees who want to get a good seat along the banks of the river near the gazebo in Bisset Park are encouraged to come early. The fastest duck will win $1000, second place is $500 and third place wins $250. There will also be a special ‘lame duck’ prize for the slowest duck and other prizes as well.
The Radford Noon Rotary works each year to be able to support a number of community groups including the Radford Animal Shelter, the Women’s Resource Center, Beans and Rice and a scholarship fund, which helps a RHS student attend RU.
Fishing, tubing, canoeing, kayaking and birding on the New River are important tourism attractions for Radford. The Visitor’s Center sponsors the duck race to help increase awareness of the importance of this natural resource for Radford.
The ducks will ‘fly’ into the river and will promptly be removed immediately after the race.
For more information, please contact the Radford Visitor’s Center at (540) 267-3153 or info@VisitRadford.com