
William Fleming last week. PHOTO BY BRIAN HOFFMAN
The boys won the Conference 24 tournament last Friday at SHS with a 5-0 win over William Fleming. Salem advances to the regional quarterfinal against Freedom High School on Monday, May 29, at Freedom.
The girls beat Bassett in their conference championship, 5-1, and they’ll also play in the Region 4A West tournament at Freedom High Monday.
Region 4A singles and doubles are being held this week. For the girls, Salem’s Ashlyn Pugh and Lindsey Frank lost their opening doubles match to the pair from Handley, 6-1, 6-1. Salem’s number one team of Isabel Danstrom and Eliza East were yet to play at press time and Danstrom is also representing Salem in singles this week.
For the boys, Salem ran into a buzz saw in the regionals. Conference champ Mladen Vukovic lost to the Freedom High number one in singles, 6-1, 6-0, and Johnny Danstrom, Salem’s number two, lost to John Champe’s top player, 6-1, 6-1.
In doubles the Spartan top team of Vukovic and Danstrom lost to Freedom’s number one, 6-2, 6-3, and Salem’s second team of Alex Anama and Dejo Markovic lost to the John Champe number one team, 6-1 and 6-2.
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