The New Castle Garden Club met recently for their annual meeting and Installation of Officers at the Old Brick Hotel in New Castle. Established in May 1939 at the home of Mrs. Mildred Tatum, the club has meet continuously for 77 years and been involved in a variety of community projects.
A highlight of the annual meeting was the announcement of two awards given by the District and State division of garden clubs recognizing the club’s work at the garden around the Hawkins-Brizendine cabin on Court Street. More plants will be added soon to enhance this area for butterflies and other pollinators.
Individual awards were given to Carolyn Fleming and Lee Greiser for most entries brought to meetings during the past year. The traditional Minnie Pearl award, which began in 1991 by Imogene Brizendine and Thecla Frantz to recognize a member who shares her garden with others, was given to Diane Givens.

The Installation Program was based on herbs from the mint family; each new officer was given an herb to symbolize her duties and offer encouragement. Outgoing treasurer Joyce Holtman reported over $1100 was collected at the Plant Auction in April. The club expressed appreciation to Joyce for serving as treasurer for the past nine years.
Other business included plans for a field trip to Walter’s Greenhouse on June 1 and the organization of the Camp Easter Seal committee, which will see that flowers are placed in the camp dining room this summer.
After the President’s annual report, Lee was surprised with a State Life Membership pin, denoting a $50 donation to the State Scholarship Fund, and a “First Arrival” tree peony. Lee has served as club president for the last four years and has generously agreed to continue for the next term.
For information about New Castle Garden Club, contact newcastlegardenclub@hotmail.com, dgivens29@aol.com or 540-588-0854.
-Submitted by Diane Givens