Craig County Historical Society is pleased to announce the floor of the second story porch at the Old Brick Hotel has been replaced. Rain water and weather had damaged the existing floor, laid by Society volunteers about twenty years ago.

Using yellow pine, contractor Zane Quesenberry of Newport laid the new tongue-in-groove floor in March. One working day was cut short by blizzard conditions, but enough spring-like days followed to complete the job.
The floor was finished and stained recently during our favorable weather by Society members Glenn Paxton, Dickie Hutchison and Pete and Mary Hutchison.
One of the primary goals of the Historical Society is the preservation and maintenance of the Old Brick Hotel, an 1840s landmark on the corner of Court and Main Streets in New Castle.
All work on the building, which has been owned by the Society since 1983, has been done through private donations, fund raisers, and volunteer work.
The next fund raising event planned by the Society is a Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, May 6, to coincide with the 4th Annual Prepper Festival. Served from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., the breakfast will feature all-you-can-eat pancakes for $8.
-Submitted by Diane Givens