Award Winning Flower Girls (from left to right) Barbara Charlton, Nancy Blair, Virginia McWhorter and Chris Skogen. Not pictured but also a winner was Jan Barrick.
Members of the Maywood Garden Club returned from their winter hiatus with their first meeting of 2017 at the Simmonsville Volunteer Fire Dept. on Thursday, March 9. On the agenda were: the paying of our annual dues – (still only $1.25), a presentation of a wonderful reading by local author Virginia Barkett of her book, Songs of the Season and illustrator and friend Christine Workowski who projected the book’s illustrations on a large screen for our viewing delight. As well, we took time to recognize our many Floral Award winners for the 2016 club year.
Congratulations to our very talented ‘Flower Girls’! They are: Barbara Charlton – First Place for Most # of Entries-28 entries including 18 Blue ribbons, 10 Red ribbons, and one Best in Show; Nancy Blair – Tied for most Best in Show with two awards; Virginia McWhorter – Tied for Best in Show with two awards as well as, fourth Place for Most # of Entries-17 entries including 10 Blue ribbons, 7 Red ribbons; Chris Skogen – third Place for Most # of Entries-20 entries including 14 Blue ribbons, and six Red ribbons; Jan Barrick – second prize for most number of entries-22 including 13 Blue ribbons, nine Red ribbons and one Best in Show.
We thank all Club members for their abundant floral entries at our six business meetings throughout the year. Their colorful beauty and creative expression are a particular delight that is truly a gift to the other club members! In addition to floral entry friendly competitions, a variety of informative presentations on Birds, Pollinators, Medicinal Plants, and more are scheduled for this 2017 club year. Our 63 year young group meets at the SVFD hall at 7:30pm on the second Thursday of the month – March through December. New members and guests are always welcome. Please contact Club President – Chris Skogen at skogench@gmail.com or phone 864-8856 for more detailed information.
- Submitted by Martha Murphy