Teen Challenge is inviting the community to a thank you dinner of sorts Saturday, June 12 at the Fincastle Volunteer Fire Department.
The residential ministry for girls, which is located just off US 220 between Fincastle and Eagle Rock, just had its two-year anniversary, and will have its 10th graduate next month.

Teen Challenge is providing a spaghetti dinner and music anytime between 4 and 8 p.m. so the community can meet the staff and students of Teen Challenge. Folks can eat at the firehouse or take the meal home.
Teen Challenge Director Harley Cox said that the dinner is free, and this is not a fundraiser. “We want to thank the Botetourt
County community for the support we’ve received,” he said.
There will be music by The Teen Challenge Choir and David Carroll.
Teen Challenge is an international and nationwide ministry that has been in existence for 50 plus years.
There are 300 centers world wide ready and equipped to minister to families, teenagers and young adults who are experiencing life controlling problems.
Cox said every 14 minutes a teenager attempts suicide and Teen Challenge has been involved in fighting this statistic.
Eastern Appalachian Teen Challenge has been in the Roanoke Valley for 12 years and the Fincastle Center opened in 2008.
“Before our Fincastle Center opened, civic groups, churches, businesses and individuals have rallied in support with resources, finances, spiritual and emotional support for the adolescent girls of this ministry and they continue to do so,” Cox said. “It takes several people to accomplish the mission and the Botetourt community has truly made it happen.”
Eastern Appalachian Teen Challenge students will also share their personal testimonies.
Cox said the Fincastle Fire Department has sent numerous household items to the girls center along with food. “The department recently taught a class to our students on fire safety,” he said, and local church groups will drop by and donate food and crafts. “During Christmas, the students have also received presents from local organizations. Individuals have also provided maintenance to the grounds and facility.
“I feel good when a local citizen thanks our staff for the work being done,” he added.
Saturday’s dinner is a chance to say thank you back.