Several members of the Fincastle Community 4-H Club have become budding beekeepers.
Members Emilee Duffy, Jordyn Duffy and Alex Wolfe worked over the winter preparing hive boxes for their bees. They built many of the brood chambers and “supers” from scratch, hammering in nails, scraping, painting and preparing the foundation for the honey bees.

In May, Extension Agent Cassie Driskill and club leader Thomas Duffy brought the three hives to their new home in Troutville and since then the bees have been…well, busy.
The 4-Hers would like to expand their apiary and wanted to let the community know that they are interested in capturing honeybee swarms in the area. If you see a “ball of bees” (no nests or inside a contained structure) hanging from a tree limb or a fence about the size of a milk jug or bigger, please call the Botetourt Extension Office at 473-8260.
Also, if anyone wishes to donate any beekeeping supplies they would greatly appreciate it.